Box Clever
Boxing Clever, or how to please all the people all of the time. Packaging Development Nightmares.
Boxing Clever, or how to please all the people all of the time. Packaging Development Nightmares.
Happy World Book Day! Here at Poco Nido we can’t think of anything better than snuggling up with a good book and letting our imaginations run wild.
Reading is so important for a child’s development, because once they can read they can do anything. To celebrate World Book Day we’ve put together a list of our favourite children’s books. From nostalgic books we loved as children, to books we now read with our little ones, here’s our top 8!
What’s your favourite children’s book? Head over to Facebook and let us know!
Catherine – There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, Dr Seuss
Catherine – The Day the Crayons Quit, Drew Daywalt
Jess – The Jolly Postman, Allan Ahlberg
Catherine - Oh the Places You’ll Go, Dr Suess
Hayley – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Michael Rosen
Suzanne – Amelia Jane, Enid Blyton
Hayley – Owl Babies, Martin Waddell
Jess - Rita the Rescuer, Hilda Offen